
NY Jets Draft Blunders

I know this has been passed around, but I watch this every single day when I wake up. Just watch the reaction when the Jets pick Kyle Brady (1995).


Drunk Athletes: Part 3

Dirk Nowitzki and Steve Nash...BFF!!!

Dirk: "I love you Mr. Two-Time MVP"

Steve: "Wha-"

Dirk: "I love you too, Mr. Truck Driver."

Before I start, I just wanted to mention how much I truly admire John Daly - the unanimous 'working-class' favorite of the PGA tour...

...his class...

...his poise...


Drunk Athletes: Part 2

Dwyaywane (sp) Wade...Finals MVP '06

Dwyane Wade...notorious nipple pincher

It's Big Papi!

Ortiz is so clutch! Kawaii desu ne

Matt Leinart: "Duuuuude, yo-you are sooooo hawt...."



Drunk Athletes: Part 1

Even MJ enjoys the occasional cocktail.

Enjoying yourself a little too much, Jordan? WTF you doin' behind the bar anyways??

His 23rd.

Can you spot the Canadian and former Bronco in the crowd?

I don't even have a joke here.


Picasa Web Albums!

Once again, trying to support the company...Picasa Web Albums (BETA) - works seamlessly with Picasa photo software!

Check out my public album - http://picasaweb.google.com/RandyLie